Green Practices

Forest of trees with a bright blue clear sky

Offsetting Our Environmental Impact

As an environmentally-friendly printing company, we have implemented a number of progressive, green programs and policies designed to reduce waste, minimize VOCs, and increase energy efficiency. Find out more about some of Southwest Offset’s green printing practices that help to protect our planet.

Southwest Offset Printing Green Initiatives

  • Soy-Based Inks
  • Low VOC Solvents
  • VOC Destroying After Burners
  • Lower Power Usage
  • 100% Paper Waste Recycled
  • Auto Plating Waste Reduction
  • Omni Pre Sets Waste Reduction
  • Omni Makeready Waste Reduction

VOC Reduction

bright sun surrounded by blue sky and white clouds

At Southwest Offset Printing, we ensure that our volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions comply with all the parameters established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). We have accomplished this by transitioning to lower non-VOC pre-press and pressroom products. As new products emerge in the marketplace, Southwest Offset Printing is among the first to test and adopt innovative solutions. Find out more about reducing VOCs.

Soy Based Inks

color spectrum bar

Soy-based inks emit 70% fewer VOCs than traditional inks. They also use a mere 0.5% of the total energy that is needed to create petroleum-based ink products. Soy inks are biodegradable and assist in the process of paper recycling. During the de-inking cycle, soy products are readily purged from fiber, thus using less energy to re-deploy paper resources.

Remote Proofing and Approval Management

Southwest Offset Printing was one of the first companies in Southern California to adopt remote monitor proofing. Hard-copy proofs require chemistry, substrates, and transportation. Remote proofing offers a digital approval process that can be accomplished in minutes rather than hours or days, saving your company valuable time and providing a competitive edge.


Southwest Offset Printing has been a leader in the promotion and usage of recycled paper for 25 years. Our ongoing efforts towards ecological preservation also include the recycling of printing plates, motor and gear oil, ink, waste paper, pallets and toner.


Contact us today to request a quote or speak to a member of our team.



Whether it’s magazines, catalogs, brochures, newsletters, or newspapers, we have you covered! SOP is an award-winning print company with high-end reproduction quality and the versatility to print anywhere from a hundred copies to over a million. Choose SOP for your next project and join the long list of distinguished clients who enjoy the peace of mind that results from working with a true industry leader.



